Smart products

Innovative apps for smart devices and industrial applications

More and more devices at home and in professional settings are becoming connected, whether it's for Industry 4.0 or Smart Home applications. We assist hardware manufacturers in enhancing their devices with smart technology, such as cloud solutions, dashboards, and apps.


Mobile app for Canon printers with 80.000 users

Canon Netherlands supplies printers to many universities and colleges in the Netherlands. Together, we developed an app that allows students to print directly from their phones and manage their printing credits. This makes printing even easier. Over 80,000 students and faculty members are already using the app.

Read the case

Remote device management for smart deposit machines

Statieheld is a start-up that creates smart bins that accept cans and bottles and dispense deposit refunds directly. These bins are located at many colleges and universities, where cans are sold but not collected. With our remote management dashboard, Statieheld can easily monitor the bins in the field, securely push new firmware updates, and generate reports for administrators.

Case online soon

Together with Dutch Coding Company we were able to realize exactly the app we had in mind. Even our idea of incorporating Augmented Reality into the app was no problem at all. This worked perfectly! Thanks in the part of the flexible and proactive attitude of Job and Stijn, amongst others, minor issues were quickly resolved. We are therefore very proud of the end result!

Mike Bijlmakers
Mike Bijlmakers
Multimedia Designer


The next step for hardware

Previously, hardware solutions were often developed with screens and controls on the device itself, but we are increasingly seeing hardware that is operated via off-the-shelve tablets or smartphones. Dashboarding and remote servicing of machines in the field are also becoming common applications. This reduces hardware costs and makes maintenance and support cheaper and faster.

Hardware PCB

Cloud server, or local netwerk

With the increased connectivity of smart devices, new security risks also arise. At Dutch Coding Company, we can establish a secure connection to the cloud, for example, using a dedicated VPN. We also have experience in developing apps with a direct, air-gapped connection from the internet. We would be happy to explore the advantages and disadvantages of both options with your team.

A proven approach

Our unique approach begins with a kick-off day where we collaboratively define the project goals for your organization. We also decide which features to prioritize immediately and which to address later. Then we get to work: every two weeks, you'll receive a demo of the progress, and every four weeks, we'll review the collaboration together. Not satisfied? There is no lock-in.

Read about our approach
Let's collaborate!

We're your partner in the development of smart products, domotics and industrial apps. Contact us for an introductory call.

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Our expertises

Strategy & Design

Icon of Strategy & Design

Don't miss out on opportunities. With a clear strategy you can launch a successful app. From concept to App Stores: we are your technical sparring partner throughout the project.


Web development

Icon of Web development

We don't have a fixed recipe, but a custom project. As a web development agency, we have many years of experience with digital challenges. Whether you want to have a platform or an innovative portal: we make it happen.


App development

Icon of App development

Do you want to have an app developed to achieve your digital goals? Innovate and grow, and let us develop your mobile app. We are specialists in custom digital products: we design, build and maintain high-quality apps.


Don't let a missing strategy ruin your project. Prevent expensive software never to gain adoption and check if your idea is ready for development. With our Digital Readiness Scan you'll know your next step on the road to succes within 5 questions.

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