Luisterrust app
#Design #App Development


Anxiety and panic can fully take over your life and be a major blocker for the life happiness. Wouter Manders is an experience expert and helps others to manage their symptoms with his Free of Anxiety Method. The meditation app Luisterrust is based on this method and helps people in moments of anxiety.

Niels Rijnberg
Developer & Project Manager
Katja van Weert
UX Designer
Bjorn Voesten - Developer
Bjorn Voesten
Sanne Berkhout - Designer
Sanne Berkhout


Luisterrust logo


iOS & Android

Goals achieved

  • From idea to launch within 3 months
meditations in the app
months development
users at launch
test users during development

A meditation app with a focus

Wouter Manders, founder of Luisterrust, has been helping people with feelings of anxiety or panic for quite a while now. He already helped hundreds of people to recover from their anxiety and panic symptoms using his Free fro Anxiety Method. However, to make permanent recovery, you have to keep working on managing your feelings. That's why Wouter asked us to develop a meditation app specifically geared towards this target group.

For the past months I got to work witn Dutch Coding Company on Luisterrust: the Dutch meditation app for feelings of anxiety and panic. There was an excellent collaboration between us and we we're guided from the first idea all the way to the final app. A professional party who'll turn your idea into a success.

Wouter Manders
Wouter Manders
Founder of Luisterrust

A soothing design

Naturally, it's important for the meditation app to feel comfortable and soothing. That's why we put extra effort in designing an aesthetic app. We worked iteratively: that means we continuously improved the designs by testing it with users and taking their feedback into account in the next iteration of the designs. The end result is an app which is not only functional, but also has a marvellous design.

Componenten van de luisterrust interface

A collaboration aimed for success

A good collaboration is the basis for good results. We worked closely with the team of Luisterrust during each phase of the Luisterrust development process. In an intensive kick-off workshop we decided together which functionalities were to be included in the first version of the app. Then we got to work: every two weeks we showed our progress and together we used those sub-deliveries to adjust our tractory towards a successful launch. This way, the app only got better during the development process!


A successful launch

By promoting the app already during development, Luisterrust was able to create a waiting list of interested users. That way, we could also test with a small group of test users, in order to polish the app even more before the big launch. And when the real launch was there, hundreds of users would join right away.

Luisterrust app
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