Design sprint

Do you wish to launch a web application or app and are you aware what it would take to for this? We can validate your concept in a Design Sprint together with you being your strategic partner. The Design Sprint is a good method if you know in which direction you want to go, but do not have clear yet which functionalities are needed and what the product should look like. During this process we go from idea to product in one week. Make an appointment now with one of our consultants and we will look together at the right approach to develop your digital product.

Design Sprint

Design Sprint: Validating a concept fast and efficiently

Want quick result? With a Design Sprint you go from idea to product in one week. The Design Sprint is a Design Thinking method from Google Ventures to validate (digital) products at lightning speed. In just 5 days, you will explore the solutions while answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and idea testing with end users.


Discover what a Design Sprint can mean for your organization, innovation or problem. Download the free white paper 'Design sprint: fast-forward into the future' here.

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What is the Design Sprint Method?

What does a Design Sprint hold for you? The Design Sprint method takes 5 days in which every day a new Design Thinking part is discussed. After the Design Sprint you will have a clear idea of ​​what is needed for a successful launch of your digital product.

Day 1: Understanding the problem

The first day of the Design Sprint is about sharing knowledge and understanding the problem you wish to solve with your digital product. We will analyze this problem together with you and we will determine the 5 whys. Furthermore, we will fill in the roadmap and stakeholder map and refine this with employee happiness research. We finish the day by identifying the biggest opportunities (problems for which we expect to find a valuable solution) and setting priorities.

Day 2: Visualizing solutions

On day two of the Design Sprint, we will go through all the solutions. After a brief investigation into how other organizations approach the issue, we determine the Do's and the Don'ts. We present the ideas that arise from this in user flows (the steps that your visitors go through) to get a clear picture of possible solutions. We will then invite users who represent your target group for a user test.

Day 3: Making decisions

To keep up the pace, we make a prototype of one of the ideas. On day 3 of the Design Sprint, we present all ideas from the previous day. It is up to you with which idea you want to proceed. Once you have decided, we will visualize the Customer Journey. This gives you a clear insight into the experiences of customers when interacting with your digital product. It shows which usability issues users encounter and what needs to be improved to create an optimal user experience.

Day 4: Prototype development

Based on the Customer Journey and visual elaboration, we make a proposal for the user interface. On day 4 of the Design Sprint, we will present the designs and discuss whether they meet your needs and whether the style matches with what you had in mind. Is the design for the user interface as you have expected? This way you can experience the Customer Journey yourself and get a clear picture of what the final app will look like. In the meantime, we will also start preparing the tests. We will determine which questions to ask and who will conduct the interviews. This way we are getting closer and closer to a successful launch of your digital product.

Day 5: Testing with actual users

On day 5 of the Design Sprint we will test your prototype. We ask potential users to do a user test and we will conduct interviews with at least 5 participants to get a good picture of the experiences. In all interviews we record our observations and we make a list of the positive and negative points. Based on these results, we can determine the next steps and draw up a development quotation for you suiting your ambitions and budget.

Is a Design Sprint meant for me?

The Design Sprint is a good innovation method if you know in which direction you want to go, but do not have clear yet which functionalities are needed and what the product should look like. In the Design Sprint you can quickly explore the options and validate them directly with users. Do you already know which functionalities are needed? Then you can skip the exploration phase and start immediately with app development or web development. With a quickly realized prototype, you can test with users and if necessary, we can optimize your digital product.

Do you want to develop a new product or explore your opportunities in the digital world? By following the Design Sprint method you avoid investing a lot of time and energy in an application or website with no future. Within 5 days you will have a clear idea whether your idea for an app or website is of added value for your organization.

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