Create a community app?

Custom community platform or app for your organization

Create a powerful online identity with a community app. Connect your customers online, even when you are away. We develop custom community apps, so that the community app perfectly matches your organization.

Online community app

Online community app

"Now I can easily find everyone in the app."

With a community app, your network can easily get in touch with each other. In this way you can easily deliver more added value to your customers.

Community app

Save time with a community app

"We used to have an enormous amount of email and telephone contact. The many attachments, clear Excel lists and frequently asked questions now go through the app."

Documents, FAQs, messages and events can be managed much more easily with an app. This way you spend less time on administration and answering simple questions. Your customer is served even faster and you prevent human errors.

Events community app

Events in your community app

"Participants register via the app, see who else is going and can specify preferences. Very useful for the participants and we save a lot of time!"

Share events with your network and show who else is going. With one click of a button, participants immediately put the events in their agenda. During the events, the app can be used for questionnaires and audience interaction.

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