HomeBlogDutch Coding Company is Fontys Parter in Education
Signing of the Partner in Education convenant
Glenn Bergmans, business director Dutch Coding CompanyGlenn Bergmans
May 6, 2024

Dutch Coding Company is Fontys Parter in Education

Dutch Coding Company signed a convenant with Fontys Hogeschool voor ICT to contribute to the ICT education programe as a Partner in Education. Fontys is actively reaching out to companies to ensure up-to-date and relevant education. Dutch Coding Company greatly values talent development and contributes to the education of young developer from that mindset.

Helping students grow as a professional, ready for the workfield, is central to Fontys Hogeschool voor ICT. Fontys ICT strives to ensure that students are well prepared to enter the workforce and to bring their theoretical knowledge to practice after their graduation. No one can better support Fontys in that mission than companies from the workfield themselves. That's why students at Fontys ICT work closely with organisations in the workfield right from day one of their program, causing them to gain valuable work experience and can develop themselves to competent professionals.

Dutch Coding Company is proud of this collaboration. Founder Glenn: "Personal and professional development is extremely important. We already play a role in this at the start of the carreer or by providing internship assignments, but in this way we can also contribute in the first years of the education." The first tangible collaborations have already started, in which the team of Dutch Coding Company mentors students in mobile app development projects. We will expand on this collaboration later.

Glenn Bergmans (Founder)

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Glenn Bergmans
Glenn Bergmans

CEO @ Dutch Coding Company

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