HomeBlogDeveloping apps with Flutter 2: What’s new?
Apps ontwikkelen met Flutter 2: What's new?
Stijn Mommersteeg - DeveloperStijn Mommersteeg
March 23, 2021

Developing apps with Flutter 2: What’s new?

It is no secret that we at Dutch Coding Company love to work with the Flutter framework created by Google to develop beautiful and powerful mobile apps. With the announcement of the new version of Flutter, Flutter 2, we can now make our apps even better in the future, but how?

Less bugs thanks to the stable Dart null safety

Now that null safety in Flutter is stable, developers can now find frequent occurring bugs even easier. How does this work exactly? First it’s good to know that Dart is the programming language that is used to develop Flutter apps with. With the time passing the language has developed and this is a huge advantage for developers and users, because this means less bugs will occur in the apps.

Why less bugs? The most bugs that occur in software development are the so called null errors. This means that an object has no value. In most cases applications cannot handle it when values are not checked for null. With the new null safety feature it will be instantly visible in the editor if it is possible that a value could be null. If that is the case, this can be fixed instantly before the app ships to testers or users with the possibility of them finding bugs, and that’s not what we want 😉.

Flutter development for iOS, Android, Web and other platforms

Flutter now for the web, desktop and IoT devices!

Flutter’s primary goal was to become the best cross-platform framework for Android and iOS, but with the growing success and community tha ambitions of Flutter also grew fast. This results in Flutter 2 supporting apps on Windows, MacOs, Linux, IoT devices and the web with the same codebase! This makes us very excited as developers, because this means we can provide more value with the same experience as people have in our mobile apps.

Dual screen design patterns

An even bigger UI library

With Flutter you can develop the most beautiful mobile apps. Flutter has been praised since the beginning for its large library of UI elements that feel smooth to use and are easy to implement for developers. In Flutter 2 even more of these elements have been added for an even better experience.

Foldables (smartphones that you can… well fold) are upcoming! They are getting more popular every year and app developers have to start thinking more about these different form factors. Flutter has been following these developments closely and has made it possible to support foldables in Flutter 2. If this is indeed the future, we as app developers are ready!


At Dutch Coding Company we’ve been Flutter enthusiasts since the beta version and every year it is confirmed that it was the right choice for us. With Flutter 2 extra possibilities have been added so that we can improve the quality of our apps and make more people happy with the support of all these different platforms. The null safety functionality provides an extra quality check for us before we even start our app which again improves the quality of our apps. To sum it up, Flutter is ready for the future and so are we!

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